Jason David Hadeed Founded Elite Athlete Training Systems in 1995 with the mission of providing professional sports performance training to the underserved population of youth and high school athletes. It was this population he believed that we as coaches could have the most positive influence on. He believed that we could not only help mold these young kids into successful athletes but also help them to be successful young men and women in their lives after sport.
In 2008 Jason was tragically taken from us leaving a hole in all of our lives that can never be filled. His mission and vision for this company however lives on and is being fulfilled every day with the lives we are able to positively influence.

Jason Hadeed was more than just a co worker to me, he was a mentor, a friend, and treated me like a brother. He took me under his wing and played a major roll in shaping me into the person and coach that I am today. He has always brought out the best in me and my fellow colleagues and athletes and has pushed us all to excellence. He has touched us all and we are better for it. We have truly lost one of the greatest men I have ever known. I consider my self lucky to be able to have called him my friend. I am going to honor him and his vision the only way that I know how. By doing my job day in and day out, with every athlete that I can help realize their goal, I am living the dream that I and many of you shared with him. As long as E.A.T.S. is alive and the ideals on which it was founded are upheld Jason Hadeed’s memory and legacy will never fade.
-Colin Quay-
Elite Athlete Training Services