Team Training
Put your team(s) in the best position for success by placing your athletes’ physical development needs in the hands of the professional training staff at E.A.T.S. Working in settings that span from the professional to grade schools levels, our staff has the experience to provide team sport athletes the level of care required to improve on the aspects of athleticism that matter.
Between the Physical, Tactical (knowledge) and Technical (skill) elements of improving Sports Performance, working with E.A.T.S. allows the sport coach to do what they do best, which is be an expert in the knowledge and skills required to be successful in their sport. Whether that be off-season speed, agility, power, and strength programs, in-season injury reduction and recovery sessions, collaborating with E.A.T.S. can give your athletes the opportunity to experience a high performance environment that is usually reserved for professional and major college organizations.
Our program is designed to meet the specific needs of an athlete for injury prevention and performance enhancement.
At E.A.T.S. we build “Athletic Warriors”. These workouts will give you the strength, speed, agility, mental toughness, and metabolic conditioning to compete at the highest level and emerge Victorious!

Our Training Programs Will Improve:
- Muscular Strength to Decrease Injury Potential & Increase Power Output
- First Step Explosion to “get to the ball” Quickly
- Agility to Stop and Change Direction Quickly
- Linear Acceleration for Break Away Speed
- Dynamic Flexibility & Mobility
- Reaction Time (Visual and Auditory)
- Lateral Quickness
- Physical and Mental Toughness
- Sport Specific Metabolic Conditioning Level
E.A.T.S Performance Consulting
If you need an expert to help develop your training plan, consider hiring our professional performance coaches to consult with you on your pre-season strength and conditioning program. Our coaches will design a program specific to your team’s needs and train you and your staff to implement our systems.
The E.A.T.S. Team provided our players with the highest level of training that prepared them physically and mentally for the season. Because of the work the E.A.T.S staff provided we entered the season ready to go and were able to spend more time coaching fundamentals and team rather than conditioning. More importantly than conditioning our player’s bodies the E.A.T.S. staff conditioned tem mentality as well. Always preaching the “Never be Satisfied” motto, our players bought into this and it carried them to Ravens Stadium and the 2010 4A State Championship! A big part of our success is owed to Colin Quay and the E.A.T.S. staff that worked with our players this summer. For the past several years many of our players have been involved in individual training with E.A.T.S. In addition E.A.T.S. has organized and coached team workouts two nights a week throughout the summer. We believe this has been a significant reason for our team success which this year included a 14 – 0 record and the 4A 2008 State Championship. I recommend that all coaches and players get involved with the E.A.T.S. year round program, and I believe you will be happy with your team’s progress. If you are looking for high intensity training for your athletes, ‘Elite Athlete Training Systems’ is the best company around. I have been working with them for the past 10 years and I’ve watched them inspire and challenge my athletes and push them to levels of excellence that they didn’t even know they could achieve. To get maximal increases in strength and athletic development E.A.T.S. is a great resource to use. The gains our players made were astounding. E.A.T.S. not only gave our team a physical advantage… it gave our team a huge mental advantage as well. Our players believed they could now physically dominate the fourth quarter.Ryan Hines
Al Thomas
Eric Wallich
Dean Swink